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Gay Authors Workshop

Paradise Press only publishes the work (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) of members of Gay Authors Workshop.

Work submitted by members of GAW is read by at least two established writers in the group. If accepted for publication by Paradise Press, editorial and formatting assistance may be provided, but authors are expected to make their own arrangements with a printer, and no financial support is available except when a short contribution is included in a GAW Anthology.

Aside from listing on the PP website and Facebook page, Paradise Press authors are expected to handle their own marketing and publicity, although our administrators will try to offer guidance in these areas.

About Us

The Gay Authors Workshop was founded 1978 and is an association of LGBT+ creative writers – poets, dramatists, essayists, fiction and non-fiction writers.

The aim is to support writers by providing opportunities for them to meet, to read, discuss and develop their work.

We hold monthly meetings via Zoom for members to read work in progress and receive constructive feedback. There are also occasional in-person meetings at different places around London and the South-East or further afield. Some meetings are accessible to wheelchair users, and all Zoom meetings can be accessed by phone call.

Although London-based, GAW is a national organisation and welcome members from all over the country and abroad. We give what help we can in enabling members to set up local branches of GAW. 

The GAW Newsletter is circulated to members four times a year and contains:

How to Join GAW

Membership is open to all LGBT+ writers, whether beginners or published authors.

If you would like to become a member, it is recommended that you first attend one ot two trial monthly meetings to experience what GAW can offer you and how you will benefit from being a full member.

Please obtain your invitation by Contacting Us

The annual subscription is £8 (£5 unwaged).

Our History
Michael Harth

In 1973 a Gay Writers Group was founded within The Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) by Michael Harth (1926–2016), then Convenor of the Stepney CHE Group, together with Peter Robins, who had also been heavily involved in the London CHE scene, and went on to write a number of novels.

In 1978 the Group ceased to be part of CHE, and was re-founded as the Gay Authors Workshop. Michael Harth continued as one of the main organisers of GAW, alongside others including Elsa Beckett and Kathryn Bell.

Michael Harth continued as a leading member of GAW until his death in 2016. Our anthology, A Boxful of Ideas, is dedicated to his memory.

Gay Authors Workshop, BM 5700, London WC1N 3XX

GAW and Paradise Press are members of the LGBT Consortium and the International Lesbian and Gay Cultural Network.